Project Started : around 2009-10-07
Project Finished : 2010-02-24
This is my attempt at a Super Metroid fangame.
Sorry to the people without a numpad,
you will have to suffer with pretty weird controls.
Warning: the sound might be loud for you.
Blue flashing on the map means that there's an item
there you need to get further into the game.
Red flashing on the map means that there's a boss
you need to beat there to get further into the game.
Yellow flashing on the map is the final objective.
I know the controls might be a bit hard to get the hang of,
but this was the only way I could do it.
I would suggest not crouching when your on top of a monster,
since there's a bug that won't let you do that..
Your health and ammo get's refilled when you save.
Rockets - you shoot rockets
Super Missile - you shoot super missiles
Power Bomb - you can lay power bombs,
while in morph ball form
Hi Jump Boots - you can jump higher
Morph Ball - you can morph into a ball
Ball Bomb - you can lay bombs,
while in morph ball form
Extra Energy - your max energy increases by 50.
Varia Suit - you take 5 damage less from monsters and,
you can be in places with a high temperature.
Ice Beam - you deal the same damage,
but you freeze enemies when you damage them.
Gravity Suit - you take 10 damage less from monsters and,
you can be in lava and you move at your normal speed in water.
Spring Ball - you can jump while in morph ball form.
Plasma Ice Beam - you deal more damage and,
you freeze enemies for a longer time than regular Ice Beam.
Shield - you get a shield that blocks 1 hit every ~6 seconds.
Numpad 6 or K - Walk Right
Numpad 4 or H - Walk Left
Numpad 8 or U - Aim Up
Numpad 9 or I - Aim Up/Right
Numpad 7 or Y - Aim Up/Left
Numpad 1 or N - Aim Down/Left
Numpad 3 or M - Aim Down/Right
Numpad 5 or J - Crouch/Morph Ball
Numpad / (the button above numpad 8) or O - Aim Up While in Crouch Position
S - Jump
D - Shoot/Lay Bombs
A (hold) - Run
1, 2, 3, 4 - Switch Weapon
E (hold) - Map
W (hold) - Statistics
P - Pause
9 - Disable Sound
0 - Enable Sound
F1 - Show game info
Escape - Return to main menu/Quit
By Apapappa Games

Project Started : around 2009-10-07
Project Finished : 2010-02-24
This is my attempt at a Super Metroid fangame.
Sorry to the people without a numpad,
you will have to suffer with pretty weird controls.
Warning: the sound might be loud for you.
Blue flashing on the map means that there's an item
there you need to get further into the game.
Red flashing on the map means that there's a boss
you need to beat there to get further into the game.
Yellow flashing on the map is the final objective.
I know the controls might be a bit hard to get the hang of,
but this was the only way I could do it.
I would suggest not crouching when your on top of a monster,
since there's a bug that won't let you do that..
Your health and ammo get's refilled when you save.
Rockets - you shoot rockets
Super Missile - you shoot super missiles
Power Bomb - you can lay power bombs,
while in morph ball form
Hi Jump Boots - you can jump higher
Morph Ball - you can morph into a ball
Ball Bomb - you can lay bombs,
while in morph ball form
Extra Energy - your max energy increases by 50.
Varia Suit - you take 5 damage less from monsters and,
you can be in places with a high temperature.
Ice Beam - you deal the same damage,
but you freeze enemies when you damage them.
Gravity Suit - you take 10 damage less from monsters and,
you can be in lava and you move at your normal speed in water.
Spring Ball - you can jump while in morph ball form.
Plasma Ice Beam - you deal more damage and,
you freeze enemies for a longer time than regular Ice Beam.
Shield - you get a shield that blocks 1 hit every ~6 seconds.
Numpad 6 or K - Walk Right
Numpad 4 or H - Walk Left
Numpad 8 or U - Aim Up
Numpad 9 or I - Aim Up/Right
Numpad 7 or Y - Aim Up/Left
Numpad 1 or N - Aim Down/Left
Numpad 3 or M - Aim Down/Right
Numpad 5 or J - Crouch/Morph Ball
Numpad / (the button above numpad 8) or O - Aim Up While in Crouch Position
S - Jump
D - Shoot/Lay Bombs
A (hold) - Run
1, 2, 3, 4 - Switch Weapon
E (hold) - Map
W (hold) - Statistics
P - Pause
9 - Disable Sound
0 - Enable Sound
F1 - Show game info
Escape - Return to main menu/Quit
By Apapappa Games

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